
About Fucking Time, America

On your 18th birthday, you can...
* own independent assets
* open independent accounts
* be tried as an adult, all the time
* have sex with other adults
* smoke
* watch porn
* place bets
* vote
* enlist in the military

On your 21st birthday, you can...
* drink (or just go to Canada when you're 18, or go to college)
* gamble (or just go to Canada when you're 18)
* rent a car
* go to clubs
* run for office?

Anyway, there's a lot of bitching here about how the legal age for everything should be changed to something higher, but that is fucking stupid.

Europe does not have the kind of binge drinking problems America has. I mean, yeah, I'm sure there's alcoholics and wow do they have all sorts of other shit going on...but drinking is social. You don't drink to get drunk, you drink because a) you like the taste and b) yeah, you totally like where it's going.

On the other hand, maybe America is just too imbibed with a Puritan spirit to ever making drinking socially okay (and therefore kill any reason to get wasted instead of sitting around and sipping a cold one nice and slow). Look at how this country treats female chests...one of the main objections to allowing female joggers to take their shirts off was that it would be too distracting to the men. Because, y'know, women and gay men have no problems with a gleaming, tanned Adonis figure bouncing his way down the street. (Okay, I wish. Most dude joggers are not in the best shape, it's why they're jogging.)

Anyway, about fucking time, America. I can't say that I'm finally going to buy alcohol legally, but at least I can see what all the fuss about bars is. Unlike all those kids overseas who are willing to die for the sake of American politics.

Oh, and get a zipcar. Zipcars are totally awesome.

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