
Über-Random Thoughts of Like the Century

--I'll be updating this now and then, whenever I have nothing to do...which is pretty damn frequently.

2/18/2005: The words 'travail' and 'travel' are excessively similar...this may have something to do with what travel ultimately turns into--an excessive amount of work involving misplaced tickets, passports, etc.

2.19.2005: People have a very definite idea of what a housewife is meant to be--cf. previous post.

2.21.2005: Anything that substantially defies a person's standard knowledge--the possible 'collective concious' Jung liked to babble about so much--will seriously offend that person, and also scare them.

2.22.2005: Hang on, it was here a minute ago...
...the main reason for the Democrats' failure is that none of them stoop low enough to join the Republican side....

2.28.2005: There is totally so much innuendo in that poem about the Queen of Hearts--I mean, it talks about a KNAVE and TARTS!

Daily Obvious: Try hard enough and you can make anything perverted.

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