
Why I Loathe Humans II

First, the paper presentation. (We had a current issues project designed merely to take up free time, which it did not do very well, especially since like 5 people worked on it.) Me, I felt guilty about only reading one article and underlining the important stuff, so I was one of the three speakers--it could have gone better, but who gives a shit?

We went to the Jefferson Memorial (ugh...no Hamilton Memorial...) and to the FDR memorial (which is one of the coolest things I have seen, half because we wanted to run under the waterfalls and because it was so parklike; though I was surprised that they had a statue of FDR in a wheelchair--he would have disapproved).... Then we went to Arlington Cemetery (TB and I had to run half the way up, which was uncomfortable) to watch the changing of the guard and the laying of wreaths (one from PC, another from some middle school). I won't be too detailed about it because it is something you have to experience--all I want to say is that every grave marker should be the same to emphasize the effect, they should have separate sections for killed in action and died later (I guess the relatives would still be buried nearby, of course), and that JD & I agreed that all politicians should be left alone in the cemetery for a day before they had the ability to decide to enter any war.

Anyway, the view from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is amazing--it is being renovated, so I didn't see much (not to mention the lack of time). Now for the reason I loathe humans (a warning to virgin eyes at this point):

The motherfucking sons of bitches were talking during Taps. Those shitbaskets seriously need to show some goddamn respect when they're at a fucking TOMB during a fucking RITUAL.

Okay, that was a toned-down version of what I would like to say.

Afterwards: packing, which took around ten minutes (and we had two hours), final caucus meeting (the surprising thing about this was, after I whooped, people had not heard me that loud--...oh, and I left for a bit to wish E "B" A a happy birthday for the obvious reason that it was her birthday), and the banquet.

The banquet was pretty awesome; besides the Old Guard drumline stuff, the student talents were awesome. B- did this amazing rap she'd written about PC, and JD had a great song because she has an amazing voice. W00t.

Oh, and we ate food. It was actually pretty good--spinach sauce is pretty good. Mmm. Oh, and cake--mine looked like it was screaming, which was kind of amusing because there was this really strong cherry syrup under it that made it look like it was bleeding. If I'd had a camera at that point, I would have taken a photo.

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